Monday, June 20, 2011

D’s E - Books

My books are written from the perspective of the student. I understand the struggle because I lived it. I would also recommend you consider the Magic of Slydini and The Magical World of Slydini written by Karl Fulves and published by Tannens.
I can not recommend The Magic of Slydini by Ganson or Slydini Encores. Those two books, in my opinion, will ultimately discourage the student, for as well intentioned as they were, it is extremely to difficult to recreate the necessary movements especially when you consider the lack of photographic examples for the student to study and reflect upon.

Slydini’s system of movement is base upon a 72 beats per minute tempo. The Magic of Slydini by Ganson and Slydini Encores lack enough visual examples for the student to consider. You are taken ‘from here to there’ but the ‘middle’ of the journey is not available to you. Thanks to digital photography; I have been able to include hundreds of photographs on a beat by beat basis in my books and this is essential in helping the student learn how to move.

Your movements must be robotic when you begin, beat by beat, and then slowly, as you understand the proper mechanics, you can begin you ‘cover them’ with your unique style. Think of two houses, on the outside they appear to be different but if you were to strip away the ‘siding’ you’d see that the frames were exactly the same.

In every case I have tired to teach you as I was taught. I want my teachers’ Magic to endure in the best possible way. My e-books are my promise to him.

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